Friday, July 17, 2009


After Assisi we drove across the country to the preserved city of Pompeii. Pompeii is located just outside of Naples, which looks like a dump (at least the areas we saw). Pompei was pretty cool because there is so much stuff there. All of the roads and many of the walls and buildings have been preserved. There we learned about how ancient cities were constructed and how they operated. We also learned that the Pompeiians were quite the pervs (more on that to come). Enjoy the pictures!

Blurry picture of Laura and me with the tour group behind us.

There were hundreds of pots like this that had been preserved for thousands of years. They had several buildings filled with these and other artifacts.

Some columns with Vesuvius in the background.

Some steps in the amphitheater

Black and white image of one of the many narrow streets throughout the city.

This is Laura in front of a wall. Super interesting!!

A view of the city with the mountains that surround Naples in the background

The edge of the city. It was nice of the locals to put some landscaping outside.

They called this mall. This where the ancient italians would meet and sell their old crap to one another.

Obviously when Laura heard there was a mall, she got really excited. This picture was taken before she found out there was no Bloomingdales at this mall. (poutty face) :(

Ok, here is where the Pompeiians started to get a little weird. Obviously this is a picture of a two italians getting it on. This was just one of the many graphic images throughout one of the many brothels in Pompeii. The pictures were on the walls showing different positions or techniques you could order. It was kind of like a kinky dollar menu for the historic pervs of Italy. You are probably all thinking, if all the buildings are made of stone, how would you know which one would be full of hookers? (see next picture)

Pictured in the lower left is the official designator, or arrow, pointing toward the whore houses.
"Robert.....I'm not sure, but is that a stone dong?"
Yeah, its rock hard. The Pompeiians really like sculpting these. We saw several throughout the city.

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