Monday, July 6, 2009

downer commercials

We all know that ads on television are targeted to the demographic of the viewer. I think its about time television broadcasting companies tailor the tones of these ads to the program during which they're aired. I don't have too many examples but I do have one, and maybe some of you out there in the innuhweb can back me up.
I was watching the golf tournament last weekend, having a good time, and enjoying a nice day. Then, right when the show went to commercial, a sob story ad for the SPCA comes on showing a bunch of sick dogs and cats. To make it worse, they were playing some music you might only hear in a funeral home. The difference in mood between the show and the ad were appalling! The ad didn't make me want to adopt a cat with the mange! It just made me resent the SPCA and Sarah Mclachlan.

Is this the same dog from the Bush's Baked Beans commercial??

thought so...

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