Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Football season

I am a pretty big baseball fan, but I definitely get more excited for the start of football season than I do for baseball. And now, in the longest part of the summer, I can finally feel the excitement for the upcoming season. Training camps are starting up which means more reports and more speculation as to what will transpire. With every article I read I get more and more excited.

There are many things awesome about football season, so here are my favorite. First, I love the weekly anticipation for all of the games. In college football every week matters! And every week you are obligated to talk as much trash about the other team and the other teams fans as possible. This weekly banter between opposing fan bases is awesome and it just creates more and more excitement for Saturday. With regards to NFL, each week you must set your fantasy roster for total domination. In order to do this, you must watch all the games the week before, read injury reports, and continually insult the other fantasy teams in your league. Personal insults are by far the best.

I also love Saturdays and Sundays. Of course, one of the best parts of football season is the actual games. Its great to wake up on Saturday morning crack open an ice cold brasky, eat a stack of pancakes, sit on the couch, yell for another brasky, and watch the noon kickoff games. Then at halftime you go shower, brush your teeth, eat another stack of pancakes, wash it down with two more braskys, get dressed, sit back on the couch, yell for another brasky, then watch the second half of the games. With college football, as we all know, there is always a game on TV from noon until midnight with little to no interruptions. So the cycle of beer drinking and pancake eating can go on for over half the day.

Going to the games is also fun as hell. When you go to the game its pretty much the same routine as an away game, but you have to get dressed a lot earlier. Wearing your team colors and yelling at those who don't is something that will never get old. However, if the person you're yelling at is a child, that is twice as fun.

So it seems like football season is perfect in every way imaginable. The week before the game, gameday, home or away, its all good. I could go on more about the food and tailgating, road trips, and personal attacks, but I think you get the picture. Football season is unmatched by any other season. The only thing that could go wrong with football season is if your teams loses. Then it sucks, and sucks hard.

1 comment:

  1. I think I can comment directly now. I had never thought about beer and pancakes. I will tell you that a great meal is left over pizza and beer. Check it out.
