Thursday, August 6, 2009

Email Quotes

I know everybody has seen an email where the sender insists on putting an inspirational quote at the end. I'm not sure how this trend started and I really don't know why it continues. There are a couple types of quotes people use to sign off their emails, inspirational and humorous. Both of which are not inspirational or humorous.

An example of an "inspirational" quote:
Shoot for the stars, and if you miss you'll reach the clouds.

Seriously? Who puts this junk on EVERY email they send? I'm sorry, I know who puts it on their emails. Losers. But why do they put it on their emails? It must be some daily affirmation their psychologist or guru or whoever told them to live by. And they feel that that one quote sums up how they feel about everything. And on top of that, they feel obligated to share it with all of their "unenlightened" email contacts.

An example of a "humorous" quote:
drive it like you stole it!

....HRHAHAHRHAHAHAHRHRAAHAAAHRHRA!!!!11!! Holy crapbag that was hilarious! Do you get it? Do you?... It's saying, you know, drive your car fast. You know? Cause, if somebody stole a car, they'd sure as hell be driving fast. You get it?
Again, why must these quotes be attached to emails? Does anybody read an email with a funny quote at the end and just start laughing? Does it make your day any better to read something super hilarious like that? No mine.

If you have seen any email quotes, please share them in the comments section so we can make fun of them. All personal attacks are accepted.



  1. This tuna doesn't taste the same since they took the dolphins out.

  2. have you seen that in somebody's emails?

  3. yes,quite a while ago. I would guess at least 8-10 years. A guy we knew at BPC used it.

  4. im at a loss for words. Not sure what he's trying to say with that quote. Does he really love canned tuna?

  5. The joke was that there was this big thing about dolphins being caught in tuna nets and the green fringe mounted a big campaign against it. So, they eliminated the dolphins from the tuna catch. I don't think Alan much cared for tuna one way or the other.

  6. Google says:

    Against category #1:

    Against category #2:
