Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bretney Favre

I know I speak for millions of people out there when I say, Bret Favre is a dork. I mean seriously, this guy is the worst at what guys do best; making a decision and sticking to it. For instance, when guys drive some place for the first time and they get to a fork in the road, they go right and don't think twice about it. We don't go right a little bit then go back to take a left, then think about it and go back right again. No, that is just crazy.

Well Favara did just that, for the third time in a year or so. Granted he is great at throwing a football, shooting wrangler commercials of him throwing a football, wearing faded hats to news conferences, talking like a six foot tall 4th grader, and taking pain medications, but he is not good at being cool.

I know why the vikings took Favra back from retirement. It's simple. Money. They are going to get more national television publicity and sell more jerseys. But, come on. I feel like the vikings are taking advantage of the dude. We have already established that Faavra isn't very smart. He's like a 8 year old trapped in a 40 year olds' body, kind of like Lennie from Of Mice and Men. The vikings pretty much showed him a nice soft puppy and that made him excited to come back and play. We all know how this story is going to end. Eventually, and I know it's sad, but somebody has to pull the proverbial trigger and shoot Lennie in the back of the head.

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