Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What won't people do to their babies?

I was at the doctor's office this morning, and while I was waiting for him to come in the screening room I saw this brochure.
It caught me off guard because, damn, that baby has got one swanging head of hair. Why would anybody with hair like John Rzeznik from the Goo Goo Dolls look so sad? Ok, so he probably has an ear ache (just using context clues) but that glorious do has to count for something.
(John Rzeznik aint cryin')

In all honesty I think the baby is crying because he's an emo baby. He's got an emo hair weave and in order to sell the emo package he had to be crying. I bet if we saw more of that baby we would see black painted fingernails and a GooGoo Dolls CD.

There is no doubt in my mind that the hair atop that baby is a weave. I couldn't even grow hair that illustrious, and I'm a grown-ass man! Did you know that there are people out there that actually make wigs for babies? The wigs have got to be much easier to make than adult wigs because they are considerably smaller, and the users have no idea what they are anyway. I did a little research and stumbled upon a website that sells baby wigs. I give you BabyToupee.com http://www.babytoupee.com/index.php

At BabyToupee.com you can buy an assortment of adorable baby toppers including The Samuel L., The Little Kim, The Bob Marley, and my favorite The Donald. Any of these fabulous headpieces will vault your baby's popularity with the other babies that can't talk or think rationally at day-care.

Is Baby Lil-Kim gunna go out tonight and make some bad decisions?

Baby Donald is super successful! With this wig your baby will bring that success at any cost attitude (even if it means divorce).

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