Thursday, October 1, 2009

TBL Update

Let's talk some Biggest Loser. Last night I finished watching one of the great episodes in TBL history. People were crying, scarfing, getting yelled at, and enemies were created. As I predicted, two people were eliminated and there was a temptation challenge. However, the temptation challenge wasn't as epic as we have seen in the past. This being only the third week, many of the ranchers could resist the cupcakes put before them. Whoever ate the most cupcakes would get the power to pick the individual on each team to weigh in for that team. The reward really isn't that good because you don't know who is going to lose more pounds. Anyway, the winner in this challenge was Tracy by a landslide.

Earlier in the episode Tracy decided for herself and Coach Mo that they would forgo the use of one of the badass trainers for a 2 lb advantage at the weigh in. This pissed Bob and Jillian off so bad. Then the trainers found out that Tracy went to Pound Town on cupcakes for the crappy reward we already discussed. This sent Jillian in to an epic roid-rage where she threatened to rip Tracy's face off with her bare hands (she could do it....i know she could). Its clear that Tracy is crazy and has no idea what's going on.

At the final weigh-ins Tracy took it upon herself to piss off every team by picking the person the team didnt want to weigh in. This was the final step in a series of gameplay and relationship building flaws. Now everybody, including the trainers, hate Tracy. Hopefully she will stay on the ranch for a while so everybody gets really angry like a overweight swarm of bees.


  1. you forgot to mention that tracy has crazy eyes. everytime there was a close up shot of her and her crazy eyes i couldn't help but laugh.

    She will be gone the first time she drops below the yellow line. this guarantees coach mo another week with his fat friends.

  2. yeah, she definitely has the crazy eyes! It was super fun to watch.
