Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Biggest Loser is rigged

After last night's episode, it is crystal clear that the biggest loser is rigged. Allow me to set the scene if you will. In previous episodes, Tracy (the moo cow who fainted on the beach) had taken every temptation (cupcakes and no trainers) to have control over the weigh-ins. The control she got really wasn't much in terms of who goes home and who stays. They were more controls to help her stay those two particular weeks. Anyway, she successfully used the powers granted to her to make every rancher hate her, especially big ol Shay, and Rebbecca.

So this week, if the rancher wanted to play, they could spin the wheel in hopes of getting the power to pick new teams, black and blue. They should really name the teams Black Angus and Blue Cheese. Anyway, several people spun the wheel and landed on tasty num nums, but Tracy managed to land on the prized spot on the first time!! No way! That is crazy! How on earth could that have happened?!? There is no chance one of the producers was under that wheel controlling it...

So Tracy picks the teams, and does a really good job of it. She puts all of the best players (except for Liz. Liz is a scrub) on her team and all the worst players on the other team. In the process she splits up several of the pairs. This infuriates everybody and makes Tracy even more of a villain. A W E S O M E

Tracy and the blue team, or course, dominate the challenge which really doesn't get them anything except a video from home (lam3 prize, not helping you win). But, they manage to lose the weigh-ins because Holier-than-Thou Dan and Turkey-Knee Shay manage to lose 27 lbs between them (start the sarcastic slow clap now). Then Shay stays on the scale and starts to pontificate about how she cant let others make decisions for herself and she is strong and blah blah blah. These weekly sermons by Shay are getting uber annoying and she is coming off as a complete dork. Ok, we get it, everybody has told you what to do in your life. They told you to eat multiple bags of Cheetos and chase it with a mushroom swiss stromboli. We know, we know.

So now, its clear, Blue Cheese team lost the weigh-in, Tracy is going home. But Wait!! Coach Mo decided that he would go home. He said that he would leave, and that he wanted to go. So if somebody WANTS to go, they have to go, right? WRONG, the other players on the blue cheese team should step up and say, "You know, Tracy has been a queen dick this whole season. Sorry, Mo, but Tracy.....get the fudge out!"

However, the producers didn't see it that way. The producers, in all likelihood told Mo to get the fudge out, and that if anybody voted for Tracy, they would be the next one to leave. Bodabing, Coach Mo is gone, and Tracy is staying. Next week, when we see Tracy walk back into the stable where all the ranchers are staying, I'm sure it will be funny as hell to see the Black Angus team react.

Biggest Loser = rigged

Let's get to some Power Rankings
1. Jillian - fiercest creature on the ranch
2. Bob - total badass with sweet tattoos so you know he's a total badass
3. Rudy - has a lot of weight to lose still and has been separated from the dead weight that is Dina
4. Allan - still somewhat athletic, too bad Jillian isn't his trainer
5. Dan - He needs a tummy tuck, pronto
6. Rebecca - "not just a pretty face", I believe its more like "not even a pretty face"
??? - all the rest have no shot in my eyes of winning this, so they are not ranked.

God bless the USA.


  1. I would like to sign up for one of those temptation rounds. Haven't seen the show, but the chow sounds good.

  2. yes, its great. You get cake, cupcakes, pizza, etc. They are awesome if you dont have type 2 diabeetus.

  3. I agree whole-heartedly. My wife and I were talking about this very thing after the last episode aired. I was pissed to realize a show I've been watching for 6 seasons is fixed.

    Also, I'd like for Allison to slap the piss out of Shay just once

  4. two years later, watching on netflix...i googled, "Is the biggest loser rigged?" after watching the veryb episode mentioned above. And this came up. The bizz-natch Tracy should be gone if this was real. The show wants to keep the villian for ratings
