Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Biggest Loser ZOMG!

Did you watch it last night? Well if you didn't you missed the best episode of the season, if not of ALL TIME. Yeah, Kanye. ALL TIME!!

As we all know I am not a Shay fan for many reasons. Reason the first - she is annoying as hell. Reason the second - she thinks she is better than everyone. Reason the third - never shuts up. So this week the ranchers had a challenge of grabbling tennis balls off of a wall and putting them in a bucket. (Kinda sounds like an activity for cub scouts) Allen (baller) takes the challenge and wins a one point advantage. This was huge because if you were last in the weigh-ins you automatically get sent home. Also, the next two bottom people are up for elimination. Well Allen beats Rebecca (self-proclaimed pretty face.....i'm just not seein' it) and she goes off and pouts for the rest of the episode. Even more reason to get her off the show.

The producers of TBL must have read my post about this show being rigged because they addressed those concerns head-on. There was a five minute segment of Bob and Jillian talking about how Shay "needs" to be on the ranch. Jillian told bob that he needed to focus on her. This, my friends, is total BS. And I think Bob agrees because he politely told Jillian to stuff-it.

Jillian then went on a roid rage and yelled at any contestant that decided to cry. She busted up Rebecca and told her to stop being such a baby loser brat. Then she smacked down shay. It was pretty epic. Jillian definitely had her evil gorilla face on.

Stop CRYING!!! I'm serious! I'm going to rip your face off and eat it like a pizza!!! NAAASH!!!!

Ok, let's get to the main event. The ranchers were taken to the circus because....I have no idea why. But they were taken to the circus. The challenge was to jump through other contestant's hoops 100 times to eliminate them from the competition. The person's whose hoop is the last with out a 100 "jump throughs" wins. And in case you missed this, yes, there were trampolines, and yes it was hilarious! Leading up to the challenge the ranchers were talking how teams have kind of formed between the younger crowd and older crowd. Young Team - Rebecca, Shay, Amanda, and Daniel. I don't like any of them. Old Team - Rudy, Allen, Danny, and Liz. I could do without Liz, but still a solid team.

So Shay talks to Rudy at the beginning of the challenge and forms an alliance saying neither of them would jump through each other's hoop. Rudy, of course said ok. But give me a break. Rudy, the strongest player in the competition pairing with Shay, the most annoying and slow? Hellz nah!

The competition started and Liz and Daniel were quickly eliminated. Next went Allen and Amanda. Then Rebecca got tossed. So we were left with Rudy, Danny, and Shay. Naturally, rudy and danny went tag team to eliminate shay because she is the enemy. Shay started spouting off at Rudy (yeah, at Rudy!) saying he was a jerk and liar blah blah blah. Rudy stood up for himself because he is a badass and basically told shay to shut her pie hole. It was awesome. And Shay cried.

Rudy won immunity which was huge because he definitely would have been below the yellow line.

At weigh-ins Shay dropped an amazing 17 lbs!!!! Too bad Danny did too. Liz dropped 12 and Allen 10 (plus the 1 for winning the first game, so 11). Now this was crazy! Allen barely edged shay by .02%!! That 1 pound he got for winning saved his bacon! Daniel lost the weigh-in so he was immediately sent home shifting the balance of power to the Old Team. Wooohooo!!!

In the elimination room Shay was sent home over Amanda. The daniel/shay elimination combo was epic. FTW!!!


  1. This week made up for last week big time. Maybe the producers are rigging it to be superexcellent for a change.

    Good predictions by you too - calling the double elimination. I have a few thoughts about this next week. I think we'll see another double elimination. The three in the line of fire will be Liz, Rebecca, and Allen. Liz and Rebecca both pulled double digits this week, so the loss of easy pounds and physical exertion will prevent a repeat. I put Allen in there in stead of Amanda since I believe Rebecca's brush with elimination this week will scare her into a workout/starvation diet combo that Allen won't match.

  2. Correction - Amanda's brush with elimination will scare her straight (and potentially anorexic)
