Wednesday, August 5, 2009

my morning commute

Typically I leave the house before 6:30 so I can get to work by 7. Its really not a bad commute at all. There is very little traffic and I catch the radio shows while they are not on commercial. I have no complaints. When I head out in the morning, the first road I drive on is a two-lane road with woods or fields on either side. Typically I will look for rabbits because I am that awesome. I know, its a pretty sweet gig. I get to go to work super early, and my reward comes in the form of an occasional rabbit munching on carrots or beef jerky. I might pull over and try and catch one of those cotton-tails someday. But for now I'm content just to watch them gorge themselves on tomatoes and slim jims. They're so cute.

This morning's drive was a little more eventful. First, I saw a school bus! Crazy!!! Yeah, well since we've been living up in the boonies school has been out of session. So it looks like today was the first day of school. Good thing I get out of the house early enough not to contend with school traffic. Second, I saw not one, but two living opossums! Usually I will see these ugly night rats dead, sunny side up in the middle of the road. But this morning, I nearly hit both of them. Often times I have wondered, who hits opossums? They should be pretty easy to avoid, right? Wrong! These dumbasses just saunter around the road like they are hot stuff. They think they are invincible! Well, I got news for you, opossum community, you are not invincible! I got four well-inflated, certified Bridgestone Opossum Smashers on my car, and they will mess you up!!

You've been warned.


  1. Once, late atnight, I came across a possum strolling across the road. I slowed down and let him get to the side, then proceeded on. The dumbass possum reversed course and as I was passing him and I got him, flat out, with my rear Goodyear dumbass possum smashers. I am a firm believer in natural selection, but the possum species lives on. If it becomes an endangered species the dumbass politicians will ban cars. Just you watch.

  2. hahaha, nice story! Goodyear opossum smashers are legit. More stimulus money to opossums!!!

    ..O're the land of the Free, and the home of the Brave!

