This weekend I participated in the East Atlanta "Run Before You Crawl" 5K race and pub crawl. It was a ton of fun. I ran with several friends from tech. Our group organizer, Pinder, told everybody that for this event people usually wear costumes. So he and I decided to dress up. Pinder went as a keg of beer and I went as a guy wearing a hula skirt and coconut bra.
Well when we got there, we soon realized that hardly anybody wore costumes so we looked like a couple of schmucks. But we couldn't have cared less. It was fun to not take yourself so seriously. The other benefit of wearing a stupid costume is when you pass people in the race they get the added humiliation of getting beat by a dude wearing a coconut bra or dressed like a delicious keg of beer. That being said, my goal for the race was to not get passed by anybody. And when you start toward the back that goal is a lot easier.
Since the race was in east Atlanta, I decided to carry my phone and wallet with me as I ran because I didn't feel to comfortable leaving it in my car. So half way through the race a lady behind me shouts, "Your Cards!!". I look behind and see that all of my credit cards had fallen out. Thank gawd that lady said something. The only card I didn't see was my buzz card, but I just figured I left that at home. And if I did actually lose that card, the worst that would happen would be losing all the sweet student discounts at the mall.
Well I finished the race in 28 minutes and 4 seconds! I could have been faster had I not dicked around at the beginning, but I was very happy with that time. Also, with a mile left, my cocounts popped off! That was a little scary, but I was able to hold them in place the last mile. After the race as everybody was just relaxing my name was called by the DJ booth! I was super excited, I had just won the door prize!! As I made my way to the DJ booth I was thinking, "what could it be? did I win an ipod or a flat screen tv? Ooohhh what if I won a case of beer?!?!". But as I got up to the booth the DJ said, "ROBERT J CROSS, we have your Georgia tech student ID."
Damn. But at least I get those discounts.
Shortly after the race we went on a pub crawl to five different establishments around Glenwood. The pub crawl special was $1 PBR tall boys. I had a couple and enjoyed talking with everybody. It was such a beautiful day outside, how could you not enjoy yourself?
Jen, Pinder, and I before the race.
Me crossing the finish line in all my glory!
(If you couldn't tell, these pictures belong to somebody else. If you want to buy them, which I did not, you can go to their website and purchase them.)