Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Flowers

The last couple weeks have been pretty great weather wise. And with that, all of the dormant azaleas have sprung to life! When we moved in last year we had no idea of what was in store for us in the spring. It was amazing to see what the previous owner had planted in the backyard, a plethora of different colored azaleas! I took some pictures with hopes of conveying the brightness and range of colors these plants add to the backyard. Additionally, we now have some flowers in our front yard that look fantastic!

From Flowers around the house

From Flowers around the house

From Flowers around the house

From Flowers around the house

From Flowers around the house

From Flowers around the house

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last Friday I made some pepperoni pizza. Instead of making the dough, I bought a pre-made dough from publix. It turned out really good, and was super easy. The fun part was tossing the dough to spread it out. I found out that doing this can make quite a mess. Each toss spread a generous amount of flour all over the kitchen just as a fertilizer spreader shoots the grass-food over the lawn. But it was worth it, a great time.

Here are some pictures of me "makin da pizza"
From Makin da pizza

From Makin da pizza

From Makin da pizza

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Alive After 5

On Thursday we went to downtown Roswell for the Alive After 5 event. This is where the stores in the area stay open until 9. I know what you're thinking, "that's kinda lame". And before Thursday I would have agreed with you. But what I found was there were tons of people walking around enjoying the weather. There were many people handing out food samples, live bands, and many places to get free beer and wine. It was much more fun that I thought. Here are some pictures from the event.
From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

One area was having a chili cook off with about 7 competing chilis. Honestly, none of them were all that great, but I'm not going to turn down free food. Also at the station they had free keg beer and margaritas. Next time, Laura is driving.
From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

After walking around for a while we grabbed some dinner at the Fickle PIckle where we got these delicious pimento cheese fritters which is culinary speak for fried cheese ballz.
From Live after 5 in Downtown Roswell

To see the whole gallery of pictures, just click one of the links below each picture.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Run before you crawl

This weekend I participated in the East Atlanta "Run Before You Crawl" 5K race and pub crawl. It was a ton of fun. I ran with several friends from tech. Our group organizer, Pinder, told everybody that for this event people usually wear costumes. So he and I decided to dress up. Pinder went as a keg of beer and I went as a guy wearing a hula skirt and coconut bra.

Well when we got there, we soon realized that hardly anybody wore costumes so we looked like a couple of schmucks. But we couldn't have cared less. It was fun to not take yourself so seriously. The other benefit of wearing a stupid costume is when you pass people in the race they get the added humiliation of getting beat by a dude wearing a coconut bra or dressed like a delicious keg of beer. That being said, my goal for the race was to not get passed by anybody. And when you start toward the back that goal is a lot easier.

Since the race was in east Atlanta, I decided to carry my phone and wallet with me as I ran because I didn't feel to comfortable leaving it in my car. So half way through the race a lady behind me shouts, "Your Cards!!". I look behind and see that all of my credit cards had fallen out. Thank gawd that lady said something. The only card I didn't see was my buzz card, but I just figured I left that at home. And if I did actually lose that card, the worst that would happen would be losing all the sweet student discounts at the mall.

Well I finished the race in 28 minutes and 4 seconds! I could have been faster had I not dicked around at the beginning, but I was very happy with that time. Also, with a mile left, my cocounts popped off! That was a little scary, but I was able to hold them in place the last mile. After the race as everybody was just relaxing my name was called by the DJ booth! I was super excited, I had just won the door prize!! As I made my way to the DJ booth I was thinking, "what could it be? did I win an ipod or a flat screen tv? Ooohhh what if I won a case of beer?!?!". But as I got up to the booth the DJ said, "ROBERT J CROSS, we have your Georgia tech student ID."

Damn. But at least I get those discounts.

Shortly after the race we went on a pub crawl to five different establishments around Glenwood. The pub crawl special was $1 PBR tall boys. I had a couple and enjoyed talking with everybody. It was such a beautiful day outside, how could you not enjoy yourself?

From Junk folder

Jen, Pinder, and I before the race.

From Junk folder

Me crossing the finish line in all my glory!

(If you couldn't tell, these pictures belong to somebody else. If you want to buy them, which I did not, you can go to their website and purchase them.)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eye Enhancement

Another step in my journey to become a better photographer is learning how to use some post processing packages. I have gotten as much as I can out of picasa (except for tagging images, I've been pretty lazy about that) so now I have started into photoshop.

Photoshop is not something you just install and start rocking and rolling, it is much more complex than that. You have to have a level of understand as to what each of the tools do and equally important why they do what they do. I have been reading what I can but until I actually get into the program and start working, I'm really not going to have an idea of how much I know. Just like an exam in school. You can study til you are blue in the face and convince yourself, "yeah, I know this stuff". But if you fail the test you really didnt know it. And guess what folks, I failed the photoshop test.

So I decided to start with a technique that is somewhat simple and practical, enhancing the eyes of the subject. For this I watched a couple youtube videos (internet is sooo awesome) that demonstrated different ways to make the eyes in your picture really pop (but you dont want them to look fake). Take a look at what I came up with. The first picture is the original image and the second is the enhanced image. Please ignore the marginal handsomeness of the subject. Let me know your thoughts.

From Junk folder

From Junk folder

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poignant picture

Sifting through my pictures from DC I found this one and it made me think. Not to blow your mind with crazy politics, but I think this picture sums up the environment on capitol hill. Maybe this year or in a couple years it will change, but as for now Washington seems to be filled with only the left.

From Washington DC March 25-28